Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hole In My Life, pg.176-200

This is still Part 3. This chapter is called "marking time." When people left, no one threw a good bye party in jail. Jack counted his time in weeks. Sundays were hard because there was another week of his life wasted. One day, when he was working he found his file and saw the parole board said he was uncooperative. Visiting hours were only on the weekends. But one day, Jack got a visitor. Since it was a weekday they only got 5 minutes. It was his dad and uncle. His dad was wasted. They hugged and left. Jack went to the psychologicist. He tried to be perfect, but that failed. One day, one of the cons got a broken lightbulb shoved in his butt. He wrote about it. Jail motivated him to write.

The next chapter is called "getting out." Many cons tried to escape but it never worked. This one guy run away and stole a car but forgot to change the car plates and was caught. Jack's lawyer retired and got a new one. Jack got the idea to get out for school. They applied and it was approved.

The last chapter is called "a closed book." Jack picked out some normal clothes and checked out of jail. They took his journal because it was jail property. Then, he went to New York to live with a family friend's relative. They were nice. Jack got a job, went to school, and was now motivated to write.

I really enjoyed this book. Jack is hilarous and is very smart. He changed my view on life.

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