Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Face On Your Plate, pg. 11-28

This book is about our food, and where it comes from. The Introduction starts by telling us a phrase that changed the author's life. The phrase was "ashrayaparavriti" which means leap into the unknown. Then, he says most people who are vegan decide in an instance. Then, he tells how a few of his friends decided to be vegan . Then, he says some people don't know that dairy and egg products harm animals. Then, he says that earlier humans survived off of hunting and gathering; therefore, we now can survive off that. He also gives proof that humans are physiologically and anatomically designed for plants. He claims that it is not natural for human to eat meat. Some scientists say that we need meat because it helps with brain development. However, that's not true. Development in the womb is genetic, and outside is because of DHA in breastmilk. DHA is no different in a vegan and meat-eating mother; therefore, meat doesn't effect the brain. Then, he talks about the Jains, who believe you shouldn't harm others. This group and many others care about others.

I thought that this was a very good chapter. I had a hard time putting down the book. I was very surprised by the evidence and detail. This was a good chapter, but it hasn't gotten me to give up meat yet.

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